
  • Boost the Immune System

    Boost the Immune System

    Your immune system consists of 20 trillion cells that compose your police force and garbage collectors. The immune system is responsible for killing the bad guys, any cells that are not participating in the processes of your body, including cancer,

  • Chemo and Nutrition

    Chemo and Nutrition

    Nutrition + Medicine = Improved Results While chemotherapy and radiation can kill cancer cells, these therapies are general toxins against your body cells also. A well-nourished cancer patient can protect healthy cells against the toxic effects of chemo and radiation,

  • Sugar and Cancer

    Sugar and Cancer

    Does Sugar Feed Cancer Cells A moth is attracted to bright light, which can be its own demise if the bright light is a flame. Two hundred years ago Americans consumed about 2 pounds/year of sugar. Today that number is

  • Vitamin C for Cancer Treatment

    Vitamin C for Cancer Treatment

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.  It was the age of wisdom.  It was the age of foolishness.Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities The combination of changing the underlying conditions that brought on

  • Slow Cancer Growth

    Slow Cancer Growth

    While most nutritionists agree on the importance of growth (proliferative) nutrients, few nutritionists respect the importance for anti-proliferative nutrients. Various nutrients and substances in the body stimulate or subdue angiogenesis (making of new blood vessels), including the powerful vascular endothelial

  • Simple Solutions for Better Health

    Simple Solutions for Better Health

    A well-nourished cancer patient can better manage the disease Focus on the parts of your body that are working properly, not on the cancer. Since you are alive enough to read this book, then something and perhaps quite a bit